Sermons on Missions
Hebrews 11:11-16 | Foreigners in a Foreign Land
NBC Missionary, Jon Button encourages us to stay focused on eternity as we look beyond our community to reach the world with the Gospel.
The Glorious Lamb – Revelation 5
The Church can joyfully participate in the work of missions because: Jesus reigns over human history Jesus conquered the power of death Jesus accomplished a global salvation Jesus is worthy of all worship
The Moment Jesus Headed to the Cross – John 12:20-34
Jesus came to die for people from all nationalities. (John 12:20-24) Jesus came to show us that dying to ourselves is the way to life. (John 12:25-26) Jesus is glorified in His death on the cross. (John 12:27-34)
Jesus is the Savior of the World – John 4:27-42
Click on the audio player above for the full sermon with very clear audio. Click on the video player below for the entire Worship Service (unfortunately the last couple of minutes of the sermon was cut off of the video due to the internet going out). 1) One of the impulses of a heart transformed by grace is to share the grace of Christ! (John 4:27-30) 2) Gospel work should have a sense of urgency, whether we are sowing or…