"Jesus" Tagged Sermons
Psalm 22:22-26 | A Gospel That Satisfies
In his suffering, Jesus, as our representative, made two invisible realities visible on the cross: His identification with sinners and God’s good pleasure to save even those in affliction. Two applications:
Romans 15:1-13 | How the God of Endurance, Encouragement, and Hope Transforms Us
Big ideas from Romans 15:4
Genesis 15 & 22 | Promises Made, Promises Kept: Blessing
If you are trusting in Christ… If you have not yet trusted in Christ..
1 John 5:20-21 | Gospel Understanding vs. Gospel Treason
4 Tests of Salvation in the book of 1 John: 1) Embrace Jesus Christ [1 John 5:20] 2) Reject False Substitutes [1 John 5:21]