"Cross" Tagged Sermons
Psalm 22:22-26 | A Gospel That Satisfies
In his suffering, Jesus, as our representative, made two invisible realities visible on the cross: His identification with sinners and God’s good pleasure to save even those in affliction. Two applications:
Good Friday | “Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
Matthew 27:27-54
Exodus 14 | See the Salvation of the Lord
A lot of what we see in the world and in our own lives can cause us to fear. Be encouraged from Exodus 14 to lift your eyes off of what threatens us in this world and to look on God’s salvation. Main Point: Our Faith Glories in the Lord’s Purpose, Promise, and Power to Save.
Peace by the Blood of His Cross – Colossians 1:15-20
You can watch the live video of our Good Friday Service HERE. The devotional sermon begins at the 30 minute mark.
“These Things Took Place That The Scripture Might Be Fulfilled” – John 19:31-37
The first portion of this sermon is missing in the audio format, however, the full sermon can be viewed in video form here or on our Facebook page. 1) Every prophecy about the Messiah was fulfilled in Jesus and those remaining will be fulfilled in God’s timing! 2) Every prophecy in the Bible is a promise from God that shows His sovereign power and reminds us that God always keeps His promises!
“It Is Finished!” – John 19:23-30
1) At the cross God showed us again that Jesus is the promised Messiah(John 19:23-24) 2) At the cross Jesus showed us again the priority of loving others (John 19:25-27) 3) At the cross Jesus made it clear again that He has finished the work of salvation (John 19:28-30)