"Compassion" Tagged Sermons
Jonah 4 – Contempt or Compassion
1: Anger at God’s grace to others will result in missed opportunities to share God’s grace with others 2: Reflecting the heart of Jesus means having compassion for others who don’t know Christ.
Jesus and the Path to True Joy: A Merciful Heart – Matthew 5:7
The Attributes of Mercy The Demonstrations of Mercy The Promise of Mercy
His Mercy Is More – John 8:1-11
1) You can trust that the Bible you hold in your hand is an accurate copy of God’s Word. 2) Jesus and ultimately His sacrifice for us is the reason we can experience “no condemnation” from God.
A Miraculous Meal for a Massive Multitude – John 6:1-15
4 Reasons Why Jesus fed the 5,000 To Demonstrate Compassion To Expose Unbelief To Cultivate True Faith To Reveal His Identity