Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 9)
Unbreakable Love in a Broken World – Romans 8:31-39
1) God’s love for us is unbreakable because of His gospel promises.(Romans 8:31-34) 2) God’s love for us is unbreakable because He has transformed us to be more than conquerors.(Romans 8:35-37) 3) God’s love for us is unbreakable because nothing is greater than our God and His love for us.(Romans 8:38-39)
Have You Found Jesus to Be Bigger Than You Thought? – John 21:18-25
1) How and when we will enter eternity is in the hands of Jesus. He calls us to follow Him while we live on earth! 2) We will run the race of the Christian life with endurance not by comparing ourselves with others, but by looking to Jesus. 3) Remember that the world itself cannot contain Jesus.
Come Dine with Jesus – John 21:1-17
1) As we labor with Jesus, He is able to make the harvest greater than we expect, for His glory! (John 21:1-6) 2) As we mature spiritually, we will throw ourselves at Jesus sooner after we sin. (John 21:7-8) 3) As we come to know the heart of Jesus, we will go to Him for forgiveness and restoration even when it hurts. (John 21:9-17)
What Happens When We Doubt Our Doubts & Believe in Christ – John 20:19-31
The video above says “4/24/22” at the top, but it IS the sermon from 5/1/22. We will try to avoid the incorrect date stamp in the future to avoid confusion. May the Lord strengthen your faith through His Word! 5 Results of Doubting Your Doubts and Believing In Christ: 1) Peace 2) Joy 3) Mission 4) God’s Smile 5) Life
The Resurrection and a New Relationship with God – John 20:11-18
1) Jesus meets His followers in their grief and shows us the hope of the resurrection. 2) Jesus rose again so that we could have a direct, personal relationship with God. 3) Jesus sends us to spread the good news of His death & resurrection to others.
Seeing the Resurrection and Seeing The Resurrection – John 20:1-10
1) The grave cloths in the tomb point to us seeing that Jesus was risen from the dead! 2) God puts signposts into our lives that point us to seeing the gospel! 3) We need to see that we need a physical resurrection AND we have a physically risen Savior!
Peace by the Blood of His Cross – Colossians 1:15-20
You can watch the live video of our Good Friday Service HERE. The devotional sermon begins at the 30 minute mark.
A King’s Burial for the King of Kings – John 19:38-42
1) Don’t ever forget that the family of Jesus is large and diverse.(John 19:38-39) 2) Jesus being buried the way He was reminds us of His kingship.(John 19:39-42) 3) Jesus being buried reminds us that our Savior went before us into the grave. (John 19:41-42)
“These Things Took Place That The Scripture Might Be Fulfilled” – John 19:31-37
The first portion of this sermon is missing in the audio format, however, the full sermon can be viewed in video form here or on our Facebook page. 1) Every prophecy about the Messiah was fulfilled in Jesus and those remaining will be fulfilled in God’s timing! 2) Every prophecy in the Bible is a promise from God that shows His sovereign power and reminds us that God always keeps His promises!
“It Is Finished!” – John 19:23-30
1) At the cross God showed us again that Jesus is the promised Messiah(John 19:23-24) 2) At the cross Jesus showed us again the priority of loving others (John 19:25-27) 3) At the cross Jesus made it clear again that He has finished the work of salvation (John 19:28-30)
The Inconvenient (But Glorious) Truth of Jesus as King – John 19:16-22
1) Jesus crucified outside the city shows us that He was our final sacrifice for sin.(John 19:16-17) 2) Jesus crucified between two criminals shows us that He died for sinners.(John 19:18) 3) Jesus crucified under the title, “King of the Jews” in the 3 common languages of the day shows us that He is the savior of the world.(John 19:19-22)
Pilate Before Jesus – John 19:1-16
1) Pilate is a warning to us of knowing what is right and yet being afraid to act upon what is right for fear of man. 2) The religious leaders are a warning to us of having truth about Jesus revealed to us and yet rejecting the light we have been given.