Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 23)
Betrayed Yet In Charge – Mark 14:43-52
Mark 14:43-52 God didn’t take a day off from being God when Jesus was arrested.
A Tale of Two Gardens ~ Mark 14:32-42
The recording begins about 7 minutes into the sermon. Mark 14:32-42 The first Adam was in a perfect garden in a perfect world and he failed. The second Adam, Jesus, was in a garden in anguish, in an imperfect world, and he watched and prayed. He chose the Father’s will. He triumphed so that you and I can sit here today as forgiven men and women who are going to Heaven.
From Failure to Forgiveness
Mark 14:27-31, 14:66-72 with John 21 How many times was it that Peter fell asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus told him to pray and watch? 3 times. Peter couldn’t do it, so Jesus did it for him. How many times was it that Peter denied Jesus during Jesus’ trial? 3 times. Peter couldn’t do it, so Jesus made the confession of who He is for him. How many times was it that Jesus told Peter to feed…
Come To the Table
Mark 14:22-26
He Is Not Here, For He Has Risen!
Matthew 28:1-10