Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 20)

Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 20)

Hostility, Indifference, or Worship: What is Your Reaction to Jesus This Christmas?

The Promised Rescuer Arrives – Matthew 1:18-25

In the “Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” Mr. Tumnus tells Lucy,  “There is a curse in Narnia. It is always winter. Never Christmas.” Maybe you look at your life, and you feel that it is always winter but never Christmas. Maybe you are simply in a season of your life where you feel that it is always winter but never Christmas. When Aslan came back to Narnia, the curse of the White Witch that had frozen the land began…
Hostility, Indifference, or Worship: What is Your Reaction to Jesus This Christmas?

The Promised Rescuer – Genesis 3:15

John 3:16 is in the Bible because Genesis 3:15 is in the Bible! Right after the first sin, Jesus was promised. We will see two main truths that point to the promise of Jesus from Genesis 3:15… 1) Jesus Was Promised to Come From the Time Darkness Entered the World. 2) Jesus Was Promised to Defeat Satan and His Power
Good News: A Sermon Series on the Gospel 2

The Gospel From the Air (#5 of 5 in the “Good News” Sermon Series

Over the last four Sundays we have looked at a framework for understanding and explaining the gospel that is mostly from Romans 1-4 but also all over the Bible, and it was what you could call “The Gospel on the Ground.” In other words, it is the gospel up close and personal, viewing the gospel from the angle of how it applies to us directly. But the Bible also gives the big picture of the gospel, which is what Matt Chandler…
Good News: A Sermon Series on the Gospel 2

Response (#4 of 5 in the “Good News” Sermon Series)

We see 2 main calls to respond to the gospel in Scripture: repent and believe (Mark 1:14-15, Acts 2:37-38, Acts 20:21). We need to understand what both of these responses to the good news means. Listen above to think about what the Bible has to say about this. Two main truths begin to emerge: 1) The Bible tells us to turn from our rebellion against God [repentance]. 2) The Bible tells us to turn to God in faith in Jesus…
Good News: A Sermon Series on the Gospel 2

Christ (#3 of 5 in the “Good News” Sermon Series)

We see 3 main truths about the good news, the gospel, in Romans 3:21-26. Salvation is a gift, not something we earn. (3:21-24) Salvation comes only through Christ. (3:24-25) Through His Paying the Price for Us (Redemption) Through His Wrath-Absorbing (Propitiation) Salvation in Christ shows God’s justice and love (3:25b-26)
Good News: A Sermon Series on the Gospel 2

People (#2 of 5 in the “Good News” Sermon Series)

As it relates to the gospel, there are two main truths about people that we see in the Bible: We are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27 with Genesis 9:6, James 3:9, Romans 8:29). We are sinners and our sin separates us from God (Genesis 3:8-10, Romans 6:23, Romand 3:10-22, Ephesians 2:1-5). Praise God that in each of these 4 sections of verses that talk about the seriousness of our sin before God, we see the hope of the gospel…
Good News: A Sermon Series on the Gospel 2

God (#1 of 5 in the “Good News” Sermon Series)

In Romans 1-4 we see the basics of the gospel, which answer basic questions about how to have a relationship with God; in other words, how to be “saved.” Who made us, and to whom are we accountable? (God) What is our problem? In other words, are we in trouble and why? (People) What is God’s solution to that problem? How has he acted to save us from it? (Christ) How do I—myself, right here, right now—how do I come…

Remember the Gospel – Nehemiah 13

The book of Nehemiah ends on a note of sadness and uncertainty as the people have failed in following God, again. This shows our desperate need for Christ as the Old Testament is silent for the next 400 years until Jesus comes. Today, we don’t have to wonder if God will remember us for good like it seems Nehemiah was wondering at the end of his life. The gospel gives us the promise that God is working ALL things for…

How to Help Joy Grow – Nehemiah 11-12

The Bible gives us many ways to help joy grow, but here are 3 of them from Nehemiah 11 and 12. We foster joy when we give ourselves to God (Neh. 11:1–12:26) We foster joy when we give our praise to God (Neh. 12:27–43) We foster joy when we give our gifts to God (Neh. 12:44–47)

Our Only Message & Our Only Hope

For our Annual Meeting day, Pastor Tim preached an updated message, on the same passage that he preached during one of his first Sundays as pastor at Northshire Baptist Church 3 1/2 years ago. He explains, “I wanted to plant my flag as pastor and say, ‘My ministry here will be about Jesus. He is our only message and the Holy Spirit is our only hope of reaching people with this message.’ I wanted our church to continue to have…

Bring the Book!

Bring the Book! – Nehemiah 8 Understand the Word of God (Nehemiah 8:1-8). Rejoice in the Word of God (Nehemiah 8:9-12). Obey the Word of God (Nehemiah 8:13-18).