Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 16)

Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 16)

Unshakable Hope In a Shakable World: The Promise of Peace

Unshakable Hope In a Shakable World: The Promise of Peace

Our Facebook Live Sunday morning message is below (scroll down). Here are 3 worship songs with lyrics you can sing before or after. The songs will play one after another: In our sermon (see the video below) from John 14:27, we see Jesus’ promise of peace: The peace we are promised is part of our inheritance from Jesus. The peace we are promised is the peace of Jesus Himself. The peace we are promised is better than the world’s peace. The…
COVID-19 Update: Facebook Live 9:30 AM Sundays, No In-Person Meetings

Unshakable Hope In a Shakable World: The Antidote for Worry

Our Facebook Live Sunday morning message is below (scroll down). Here are 3 worship songs with lyrics you can sing before or after. The songs will play one after another: The antidote for worry found in Matthew 6:25-34… 1) Know God As Your Father (Matt. 6:25-26) 2) Know that you are not God (Matt. 6:27-30) 3) Know What is Most Important (Matt. 6:31-34) Contact the church office [email protected] if you have not received our e-mails about other ways to be ministered…
Jesus is Irreplaceable - Hebrews 3:7-19

Once For All Time is Not Once Upon a Time

To download the Growth Group questions, click “Save” and then “PDF.” To stream the sermon, click on the Player above. 3 reasons that Jesus’ sacrifice was once for all time. “Once for all time” because Jesus fulfilled & removed the sacrifices of the Old Covenant with His sacrifice! (vv. 1-10) “Once for all time” because Jesus has conquered our enemies & sanctified us! (vv. 11-14) “Once for all time” because Jesus’ sacrifice paid it all! (vv. 15-18)
Jesus is Irreplaceable - Hebrews 3:7-19

Growing in Love With the Lover of Your Soul: More Reasons Jesus Died For Us – Hebrews 9:15-28

To download the Growth Group questions, click “Save” and then “PDF.” To stream the sermon, click on the Player above. The Necessity of Christ’s Death (9:15-17) The Necessity of Blood for Forgiveness (9:18-22) The Necessity of Christ’s Appearing For Us (9:23-28) * He has appeared to put away sin by dying on the cross as our substitute (9:26) * He is appearing now in God’s presence on our behalf (9:24) * He will appear to take Christians home (9:28)