Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 16)
05.03.20 Faith – Unshakable Hope In a Shakable World – Hebrews 11:1-3
Please watch BOTH videos to get the full sermon. We are sorry we had an interruption. The second one starts about 5 minutes in, when it was live we had to wait to give people a chance to get back on. 1) Faith allows us to see spiritual reality. (Hebrews 11:1) 2) Faith allows us to receive God’s commendation. (Hebrews 11:2) 3) Faith allows us to take God at His Word. (Hebrews 11:3) Sing to the LORD by singing along…
04.26.20 Heaven – The Home We Were Made For Part 2 – Selected Scriptures
Click on the player below (click on the triangle) to play the video from this Sunday’s sermon, “Heaven – The Home We Were Made For Part 2” from selected Scriptures. On Sundays you can watch it live at 9:30 AM on our church’s Facebook page. We will have glorious relationships. (1 Thess. 4:14-18) We will have glorious resurrection bodies. (Philippians 3:20-21; 1 Cor 15:35-44, 49) We will have a glorious relationship with God. (Revelation 21:3) Sing to the Lord in…
04.19.20 – Heaven: The Home We Were Made For – Revelation 21-22
Today’s (April 19, 2020) sermon from Facebook Live is at the video below (click on the “play” triangle below). How is Heaven the home we were made for? 1) God will live with us. 2) Everything sad will come untrue. 3) The New Jerusalem and the New Earth will be familiar yet gloriously unfamiliar. 4) You can know that you will be there. The books I mentioned that have helped me with a biblical understanding of Heaven are: 1) “Eternity…
04.12.20 Easter Sunday Sermon – Unshakable Hope In a Shakable World: “Why Do You Seek the Living Among the Dead?”
Our Resurrection Sunday sermon fromFacebook Live is at the video below (click on the “play” triangle below). We will see that: 1. Jesus really died. (23:50-56) 2. Jesus really is alive. (24:1-12) Believing Christ is risen should: Push us to believe the gospel Cause us to worship Move us to minister Embolden our witnessing Assure us our sins are forgiven Comfort our grieving hearts Make us long for our resurrection bodies Sing to the Lord in your homes! These 4…
Five Ways Jesus’ Work On the Cross Gives Us Hope Today
Our Good Friday devotional is at the video above. Five Ways Jesus’ Work On the Cross Gives Us Hope Today 1) Jesus’ work on the cross brings final forgiveness. (Hebrews 1:3) 2) Jesus’ work on the cross fulfills prophecy. (Hebrews 1:13) 3) Jesus’ work on the cross makes Him the final mediator. (Hebrews 8:1) 4) Jesus’ work on the cross makes Him the final sacrifice. (Hebrews 10:12) 5) Jesus’ work on the cross gives us endurance on our way to…
Unshakable Hope In a Shakable World: Why Forgiveness From God Matters
Our Facebook Live Sunday morning message is below. Forgiveness from God gives us unshakable hope because: 1) Forgiveness transfers us from the power of Satan into the Kingdom of God. (1:12-14) 2) Forgiveness is the way God will make all things new (1:19-20) 3) Forgiveness is complete because of the cross (2:13-14) Here are 3 worship songs with lyrics you can sing before or after watching the sermon. The songs will play one after another, but you may have to…
Unshakable Hope In a Shakable World: The Promise of Peace
Our Facebook Live Sunday morning message is below (scroll down). Here are 3 worship songs with lyrics you can sing before or after. The songs will play one after another: In our sermon (see the video below) from John 14:27, we see Jesus’ promise of peace: The peace we are promised is part of our inheritance from Jesus. The peace we are promised is the peace of Jesus Himself. The peace we are promised is better than the world’s peace. The…
Unshakable Hope In a Shakable World: The Antidote for Worry
Our Facebook Live Sunday morning message is below (scroll down). Here are 3 worship songs with lyrics you can sing before or after. The songs will play one after another: The antidote for worry found in Matthew 6:25-34… 1) Know God As Your Father (Matt. 6:25-26) 2) Know that you are not God (Matt. 6:27-30) 3) Know What is Most Important (Matt. 6:31-34) Contact the church office [email protected] if you have not received our e-mails about other ways to be ministered…
Warning and Encouragement to Hold Onto Jesus – Hebrews 10:26-39
Please join us in prayer for our community, nation, and world before the sermon (we included the Elder Prayer today).
Once For All Time is Not Once Upon a Time
To download the Growth Group questions, click “Save” and then “PDF.” To stream the sermon, click on the Player above. 3 reasons that Jesus’ sacrifice was once for all time. “Once for all time” because Jesus fulfilled & removed the sacrifices of the Old Covenant with His sacrifice! (vv. 1-10) “Once for all time” because Jesus has conquered our enemies & sanctified us! (vv. 11-14) “Once for all time” because Jesus’ sacrifice paid it all! (vv. 15-18)
Growing in Love With the Lover of Your Soul: More Reasons Jesus Died For Us – Hebrews 9:15-28
To download the Growth Group questions, click “Save” and then “PDF.” To stream the sermon, click on the Player above. The Necessity of Christ’s Death (9:15-17) The Necessity of Blood for Forgiveness (9:18-22) The Necessity of Christ’s Appearing For Us (9:23-28) * He has appeared to put away sin by dying on the cross as our substitute (9:26) * He is appearing now in God’s presence on our behalf (9:24) * He will appear to take Christians home (9:28)