Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 14)
Jesus Brings Light to a Dark World – Isaiah 9:1-2 and Selected Scriptures
Darkness – In this world we experience spiritual darkness and the darkness of death & suffering. Light – BUT GOD… So what do we do with this?!1) Repent of our deeds of darkness and believe in the light of the world!2) Walk as children of light! (Ephesians 5:8) For clear audio of the sermon only, click on the audio player above. For video of the entire Worship Service, click on the video below.
Jesus is the Savior of the World – John 4:27-42
Click on the audio player above for the full sermon with very clear audio. Click on the video player below for the entire Worship Service (unfortunately the last couple of minutes of the sermon was cut off of the video due to the internet going out). 1) One of the impulses of a heart transformed by grace is to share the grace of Christ! (John 4:27-30) 2) Gospel work should have a sense of urgency, whether we are sowing or…
Jesus Brings Us to The Father – John 4:15-26
Before we can come to the Father, we must see our sin problem & need for Jesus. (4:15-19)
2) When we come to the Father, we must worship the true God from our hearts (4:20-24)
3) When we come to the Father, we must acknowledge that Jesus is the expected Savior (4:25-26)
Jesus Satisfies Our Spiritual Thirst – John 4:1-14
Click above on the audio player for audio of the sermon only. Click below on the video player for the full Worship Service. Jesus Gives Living Water to People of all Backgrounds (John 4:1-9) Jesus Gives Living Water to Satisfy Our Deepest Thirsts (John 4:10-14)
Jesus Must Become Greater, We Must Become Less – John 3:22-36
Jesus must become greater, we must become less!
What Is a Sign For? – John 2:1-11
We will see that a sign is for pointing to Jesus’ glory and believing in Him (John 2:11). The video of the entire Worship Service is below, but we are working on getting better sound quality on the video. The audio only, above, has very clear sound quality of the sermon only.
How Jesus Draws Disciples to Himself – John 1:35-51
Click above on the audio player for audio of the sermon only. Click on the video player below for the full Worship Service video–the sermon starts at the 34:30 minute mark. How Jesus Draws Disciples to Himself Some hear the preacher’s message (vv. 35-39). Some are brought by their relatives or friends (vv. 40-42). Some are called directly (vv. 43-44). Some are called by a timely Scripture (v. 45-51)
Behold, the Lamb of God! – John 1:19-37
Our Identity: Ambassadors (vv. 19-28) Jesus’ Identity: Lamb of God (vv. 29-34) You can click on the audio player above for sermon audio only, or below for a video of the full Worship Service.
Four Gifts That Came to Us In Jesus – John 1:6-18
Four gifts that came to us in Jesus… Witness about Jesus brings light (vv. 6-9) Belief in Jesus brings salvation (vv. 10-13) The incarnation of Jesus brings glory (v. 14) Explanation by Jesus brings grace and truth (vv. 15-18) Click on the audio player above for audio of the sermon only, or click below on the video for the full Worship Service.
Finding Christ to Be Bigger Than We Thought – John 1:1-5
For audio only of the sermon, click on the audio player above. For video of the entire Worship Service (it did cut out a few minutes before the end of the sermon this Sunday), click on the video below. 5 simple and clear but profound truths about Christ: Jesus is Eternally Preexistent (John 1:1-2) Jesus is Eternally One with God Yet Distinct (John 1:1-2) Jesus is Eternally God (John 1:1-2) Jesus is Eternally Creator (John 1:3) Jesus is the Source…
This Is Our God – Hebrews 13:20-25
Click on the audio player above for sermon audio only. Or, click below on the video for the video of the full Worship Service (the sermon begins 34 minutes into the video). Six truths about our God from Hebrews 13:20-21… The God of peace The God who resurrects The God who shepherds us in Jesus The God who is faithful The God of all resources The God who deserves all glory NBC Live Worship 9.6.20 Posted by Northshire Baptist Church…
Strengthened By Grace – Hebrews 13:9-16
Click on the audio player above for audio of the sermon only. Click on the video below for the full Worship Service–the Service begins at the 33 minute mark. 1) We are saved by grace and strengthened by grace (vv. 9-12). 2) Since everything we have received from God is by grace, let’s go all in (vv. 13-16). NBC Live Worship 8.30.20 Posted by Northshire Baptist Church on Sunday, August 30, 2020