Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 13)

Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 13)

How Is Adoption A Picture Of The Gospel? 5

How Is Adoption A Picture Of The Gospel?

Adoption Means that We are Chosen to be Sons and Daughters (Ephesians 1:5-6) Adoption Means that We are Given a New Identity and a New Family (Romans 8:15-17, Galatians 4:4-7) Adoption Means that We have a New Future (Romans 8:23, Galatians 4:7)
Worship in the Sanctuary 9:00 AND 11:00 AM

Don’t Miss Jesus! – John 5:30-47

For video of our entire Worship Service click on the video player above (the sermon begins at the 34 minute mark). For clear audio of the sermon only, click on the audio player at the top of this page. 1) The testimony of John the Baptist tells us to not miss Jesus. (John 5:31-35)2) The testimony of Jesus’ works tells us to not miss Jesus. (John 5:36)3) The testimony of God the Father tells us to not miss Jesus. (John…
Worship in the Sanctuary 9:00 AND 11:00 AM

The Voice That Raises the Dead – John 5:24-29

1) Jesus’ voice raises the spiritually dead & gives them spiritual life—now! (John 5:24-26) 2) Jesus’ voice raises all of the physically dead & gives them resurrection life—or judgment. (John 5:27-29) For clear audio of the sermon only, click on the audio player above. For video of the entire Worship Service, click on the video player below (the sermon begins at the 38 minute mark in the video).
Finding Hope & Taking Action in the Darkness As Ordinary Pro-Lifers - Exodus 1:15-22 (Sanctity of Human Life Sunday)

Finding Hope & Taking Action in the Darkness As Ordinary Pro-Lifers – Exodus 1:15-22 (Sanctity of Human Life Sunday)

This special sermon was preached on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Darkness (Exodus 1:15) Hope (Exodus 1:17, 20)Look to Jesus! (Matthew 4:16, John 1:5)Soak ourselves in the Scriptures! (Job 31:15, Isaiah 45:10, Psalm 139, etc.)Remember & remind others that babies in the womb are human! Action (Exodus 1:17)Ideas: Pray, Study the Scriptures, Share your story, Go testify/write/visit your legislators, Get involved with Right to Life Southern Vermont, Get involved with foster care and adoption, Minister to women who have had…
Worship in the Sanctuary 9:00 AND 11:00 AM

The Most Startling Claim Ever Made – John 5:16-24

Jesus Claimed to Be Equal With God (John 5:16-18) Jesus Claimed to Do the Works of God (Even to Give Life) (John 5:19-21) Jesus Claimed to Have all Authority (Even to Give Eternal Life) (5:22-24) For clear audio of the sermon only (the recording began a minute into the sermon introduction), click on the audio player above. For video of the entire Worship Service, click on the video player below. In the video, the sermon begins at the 30 minute…
Worship in the Sanctuary 9:00 AND 11:00 AM

Jesus Shows Grace Even to People Not Looking For Him – John 5:1-16

1) Jesus asks, “Do you want to be healed?” (John 5:6-9) 2) Jesus has more compassion than we can understand. (John 5:10-13) 3) Jesus finds us and warns us about sin, out of love. (John 5:14-17) For very clear audio of the sermon only, click on the audio player above. For video of the entire Worship Service, click on the video below.
Worship in the Sanctuary 9:00 AND 11:00 AM

Growing Faith In a Time of Crisis – John 4:43-54

Is your faith in Jesus… 1) Desperate but persistent faith? (John 4:46-47) 2) Young but maturing faith? (John 4: 48-50) 3) Genuine and overflowing faith? (John  4:51-54) For very clear audio of the sermon only, click on the audio player above. For video of the entire Worship Service, click on the video below.
3 Satanic Lies & the Good News That Sets Us Free

Three Satanic Lies to Watch out for in 2021–And the Truth That Sets Us Free – Romans 8:31-39

3 Satanic Lies (and the Truth That Sets us Free): God is against you. The truth: If you are in Christ, God is for you (Romans 8:31-32). There are accusations against you, and you can say nothing in your defense. The truth: If you are in Christ, the One who could accuse you is the One who died for you (Romans 8:33-34). There are plenty of things that can separate you from God’s love. The truth: If you are in…