Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 12)
If the Son Sets You Free, You Will Be Free Indeed – John 8:30-36
1) You will know you have been set free by Jesus if you abide in His Word. 2) You will know you have been set free by Jesus if you acknowledge you were enslaved to sin without Him. 3) You will know you have been set free by Jesus if you are growing in hating sin and loving Jesus more.
Living a Life the Seeks and Finds God – Psalm 63
To live a life that seeks and finds God… 1) You must have a personal relationship with God 2) You must learn to trust God in the dark times of life 3) You must cultivate your relationship with God to enjoy it
Will You Die in Faith or Die in Your Sins? – John 8:21-30
1) Each of us will either die in faith or die in our sins (John 8:21-26) 2) The cross reveals that Jesus is the Savior and the One sent from the Father (John 8:27-30)
Do You Have the Light of Life? – John 8:12-20
1) Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12) 2) Unbelief Is Strong, But Jesus is Stronger (John 8:13-20)
His Mercy Is More – John 8:1-11
1) You can trust that the Bible you hold in your hand is an accurate copy of God’s Word. 2) Jesus and ultimately His sacrifice for us is the reason we can experience “no condemnation” from God.
Christ the Divider – John 7:37-52
Who are the different people we see after Jesus gives His invitation? The Convinced (7:40-41a) The Contrary (7:41b-44) The Confused (7:45-49) The Contemplative (7:50-52)
Believe in Jesus: To Who Else Can You Go To Be Spiritually Satisfied? John 6:51-71
We Must Believe in Jesus to be Spiritually Satisfied There is No One and Nowhere Else to Go to, to be Spiritually Satisfied
The Day Jesus Tells You to Wake Up
Jesus’s Voice Raised the Young Man in Nain from the Dead Jesus’s Voice Raised Jairus’s Little Girl from the Dead Jesus’s Voice Raised Lazarus from His Tomb Jesus’s Voice from the Cross Raised Some Saints form the Graves Jesus’s Voice will One Day Raise You and I from the Dead
How Do We Know Jesus’s Mission Will Not Fail? – John 6:35-51
All who the Father has chosen to save will come to Jesus. All who come to Jesus will never be turned away. (John 6:35-40) We must recognize who Jesus really is to be saved – and wholeheartedly embrace Him. (John 6:41-51)
Are You Spiritually Hungry? Come To Jesus – John 6:22-35
How To Be Satisfied Spiritually: Seek Jesus with Your Whole Heart and Don’t be Afraid to Check Your Motives Believe in Jesus Feast on Jesus as the Bread of God, the Bread of Life
How Is Adoption A Picture Of The Gospel?
Adoption Means that We are Chosen to be Sons and Daughters (Ephesians 1:5-6) Adoption Means that We are Given a New Identity and a New Family (Romans 8:15-17, Galatians 4:4-7) Adoption Means that We have a New Future (Romans 8:23, Galatians 4:7)