Sermons by Tim Counts (Page 10)
Who Arrested Whom? – John 18:1-12
1) Jesus going to the cross was not an unavoidable tragedy but a purposeful act of salvation (18:1-4). 2) Jesus sovereignly showed His power over those who would arrest Him (18:5-6). 3) Jesus protected His follower’s faith even as He does today (18:7-11). 4) The insistence of Judas and the leaders to arrest Jesus warns us of how cold or even resistant we can be towards Jesus (18:12).
When Jesus Prays for You (John 17:20-26)
Our video livestream did not work today. However, click above for clear audio of the sermon. 1) Jesus Prays for Your Unity With Other Believers (John 17:20-21) 2) Jesus Prays that Even the World Will Know That the Father Loves You as He Loves Jesus (John 17:22-23) 3) Jesus Prays for You to Be With Him in Heaven To See His Glory (John 17:24-26)
In the World But Not Of the World (John 17:6-19)
In John 17:6-19 we see that the church is made up of:
People called out from the world
People with Biblical belief in Christ
People with a New Identity
People of Joy
People of Holiness
People on Mission
People of the Truth
The Surprising Joy of Eternal LIfe (John 17:1-5)
The Glory of God in Giving Eternal Life to His People Through Jesus (17:1-2) The Glory of God in the Joy of Forever Knowing God (17:3) The Glory of God in Accomplishing the Work God has for Us (17:4) The Glory of God in the Eternal Glory of Jesus (17:5)
Finding Invincible Joy – John 16:16-33
1) The joy Jesus offers can come out of sorrow & cannot be taken away (John 16:16-22) 2) The joy Jesus offers is the joy of answered prayer (John 16:23-24) 3) The joy Jesus offers is the joy of being loved by the Father (John 16:25-28) 4) The joy Jesus offers is the joy of being on Jesus’s winning team (John 6:29-33)
The Advantage of the Holy Spirit’s Presence – John 16:5-15
1) Since Jesus is at the Right Hand of the Father, the Holy Spirit has a special role to convict the world of their sin and need for Jesus. (John 16:5-11) 2) Since Jesus is at the Right Hand of the Father, the Holy Spirit has a special role to illuminate the hearts and minds of believers to the truth of Jesus. (John 16:12-15)
The Promise of – And Power In – Persecution – John 15:18-16:4
1) Jesus promises that we will have persecution because the world hates Jesus 2) Jesus promises that we will have persecution because the world hates & does not know the Father 3) Jesus promises that in persecution the Holy Spirit will empower us to witness about Jesus
Love and Friendship According to Jesus – John 15:12-17
1) Friendship requires love, and love requires sacrifice (15:12-13) 2) The friendship of Jesus is surprisingly familiar & yet strikingly unique (15:14-17)
Are You Connected to the Life Source – John 15:1-11
Three reasons we need to be connected to & stay connected to Jesus: 1) It is the only way we can accomplish anything for God’s glory (15:5, 8) 2) It is the only way we can have assurance of salvation and not judgment (15:2, 6) 3) It is the only way we can know Jesus’s love and joy (15:9-11)
You Are Never Alone – John 14:12-31
1) You are never alone because you are working alongside of Jesus.(John 14:12-14) 2) You are never alone because the Helper lives IN you.(John 14:15-20) 3) You are never alone because Jesus will reveal Himself to you.(John 14:21-28) 4) You are never alone because Satan has no claim on Jesus—or you.(John 14:29-31)
The Only Way to Heaven (John 14:1-11)
There were some audio issues with the video recording, but our sermon audio (click “listen”) is very clear. 3 promises from Jesus that are given to us in John 14:1-11— Let the promise of Heaven comfort you (John 14:1-3) Let the promise of Jesus save you (John 14:4-6) Let the promise of Jesus’ authority strengthen you (John 14:7-11)
The Promise of Peace – John 14:27
1) The peace we are promised is part of our inheritance from Jesus 2) The peace we are promised is the peace of Jesus Himself 3) The peace we are promised is better than the world’s peace 4) The peace we are promised is the antidote for fear