Sermons by Andrew Crichton
Psalm 22:22-26 | A Gospel That Satisfies
In his suffering, Jesus, as our representative, made two invisible realities visible on the cross: His identification with sinners and God’s good pleasure to save even those in affliction. Two applications:
2 Samuel 7:1-17 | Promises Made, Promises Kept: Kingdom
Main Point: God establishes His Kingdom through establishing the King’s Throne, and He has done this finally, fully, and forever in Jesus. 3 Marks of God’s Kingship and Jesus’ Kingdom
Romans 12:3-8 | The Context for Spiritual Life
Main Point: God brings Christians into the local church to transform them into a humble, unified, devoted community. 3 ways humility transforms the worshipping community:
Good Friday | “Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
Matthew 27:27-54
Luke 1:5-38 | Fulfillment: A Firm Foundation for Faith
Main point: God fulfills impossible promises to convince you of His Word, His Power, and His Son 3 Applications from two angelic appearances:
Exodus 14 | See the Salvation of the Lord
A lot of what we see in the world and in our own lives can cause us to fear. Be encouraged from Exodus 14 to lift your eyes off of what threatens us in this world and to look on God’s salvation. Main Point: Our Faith Glories in the Lord’s Purpose, Promise, and Power to Save.
Psalm 107 | You Are What You Sing
Main Point: Declare the goodness of your Redeemer by singing what He has done for you.
Obadiah | Brothers by Blood; Enemies in Spirit
Reasons to Humbly Fear the Lord:
Good Friday | A Family of Beneficiaries
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
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