“It Is Finished!” – John 19:23-30
1) At the cross God showed us again that Jesus is the promised Messiah(John 19:23-24) 2) At the cross Jesus showed us again the priority of loving others (John 19:25-27) 3) At the cross Jesus made it clear again that He has finished the work of salvation (John 19:28-30)
The Inconvenient (But Glorious) Truth of Jesus as King – John 19:16-22
1) Jesus crucified outside the city shows us that He was our final sacrifice for sin.(John 19:16-17) 2) Jesus crucified between two criminals shows us that He died for sinners.(John 19:18) 3) Jesus crucified under the title, “King of the Jews” in the 3 common languages of the day shows us that He is the savior of the world.(John 19:19-22)
Jesus and the Path to True Joy: Meekness – Matthew 5:5
The Characteristics of Meekness The Pursuit of Meekness The Blessing of Meekness The Glory of Meekness
God’s Light Still Shining – Acts 2:42-47
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Pilate Before Jesus – John 19:1-16
1) Pilate is a warning to us of knowing what is right and yet being afraid to act upon what is right for fear of man. 2) The religious leaders are a warning to us of having truth about Jesus revealed to us and yet rejecting the light we have been given.
What is Truth?! – John 18:28-40
1) Even in His trial, Jesus displayed that He knew the truth ahead of time.(John 18:28-32) 2) Even in His trial, Jesus displayed that He is the true King of an eternal Kingdom. (John 18:33-37) 3) Even in His trial, Jesus displayed that the search for truth ends in Him. (John 18:38-40)
Our Faithlessness and Jesus’s Faithfulness – John 18:12-27
When we are faithless, Jesus remains faithful
The Glorious Lamb – Revelation 5
The Church can joyfully participate in the work of missions because: Jesus reigns over human history Jesus conquered the power of death Jesus accomplished a global salvation Jesus is worthy of all worship
Who Arrested Whom? – John 18:1-12
1) Jesus going to the cross was not an unavoidable tragedy but a purposeful act of salvation (18:1-4). 2) Jesus sovereignly showed His power over those who would arrest Him (18:5-6). 3) Jesus protected His follower’s faith even as He does today (18:7-11). 4) The insistence of Judas and the leaders to arrest Jesus warns us of how cold or even resistant we can be towards Jesus (18:12).
When Jesus Prays for You (John 17:20-26)
Our video livestream did not work today. However, click above for clear audio of the sermon. 1) Jesus Prays for Your Unity With Other Believers (John 17:20-21) 2) Jesus Prays that Even the World Will Know That the Father Loves You as He Loves Jesus (John 17:22-23) 3) Jesus Prays for You to Be With Him in Heaven To See His Glory (John 17:24-26)
In the World But Not Of the World (John 17:6-19)
In John 17:6-19 we see that the church is made up of:
People called out from the world
People with Biblical belief in Christ
People with a New Identity
People of Joy
People of Holiness
People on Mission
People of the Truth