We are planning to go inner-tubing on the Battenkill Saturday, September 5th with a company called “Big Big on the Battenkill.” This event was rescheduled to Sept 5 due to weather on Aug 29. Contact us, [email protected], if you have any questions and especially to RSVP if you have not already.
Drop-Off Time and Place:
Our launch site for the inner-tubing trip is in Arlington. If you live in or close to Arlington, you can drop your kids off at the launch site at 9:30 a.m. on the 29th. Pastor Luke will send out the exact drop-off location once he hears back from the company where they will launch us out from. If you live closer to the church in Manchester Center and would prefer to drop your kids off closer to home, Pastor Luke and some other leaders will meet at the church at 9:00 a.m. and transport whoever needs rides to Arlington. In the cars, we will all wear masks in accordance with CDC regulations. Please let Pastor Luke know which option you would prefer for your kids, for our planning purposes.
Pick-Up Time and Place:
Our trip will take approximately 3 to 3 1/2 hours. Once our ride is complete, the company will drive us back in a big van to where we started from, while observing the mask ordinance. If you would prefer to pick up your kids where we finish our tubing trip, please let Past Luke know and he will give you the exact location and time for pick-up. If you dropped off your kids in Arlington, you will be able to pick them up again around 2:00 p.m. If you dropped your kids off at the church, you will be able to pick them up there at 2:30 p.m. Again, please let me know your preference for our planning purposes.
Required Forms:
There are 2 required forms to complete to participate on this trip. The first is for the company “Big Big on the Battenkill.” The second is for Northshire Baptist church: NBC Waiver. Both forms are in the hyper-links. Please print and fill out each document. You can then give Pastor Luke the hard copy of the document, or scan and email the completed forms ([email protected]). Both forms must be filled out for each participant no later than Sunday, August 23rd in order to participate in this activity. This includes any guests your kids may invite.
Things to Bring:
Here is a short list of things for your kids to bring with them on the tubing trip.
~ A Packed Lunch: We will eat at some point on our tubing trip, but each person should bring their own lunch.
~ Water Shoes: This could be water shoes or a pair of old sneakers, but everyone needs something to protect their feet while on the river. Flip-flops are not a good option for this. The company does sell water shoes, but it would be easiest for your kids to just bring their own.
~ Modest Swimwear: God’s Word calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. One way everyone can do this is to make sure we are not putting stumbling blocks in the way of others when it comes to modesty. Please make sure that your sons do not wear inappropriately tight or short swimsuits, and please make sure your daughters wear one piece swimsuits with shorts (if your daughters do not have a one piece swimsuit, please have them wear shorts and a T-shirt/tank top over their two-piece swimsuit). By having this kind of swimwear, everyone will be helped to better enjoy the trip while remaining modest.
Other Important Info:
~ There is no cost for the trip. NBC will cover the expenses.
~ Since we will be in the river, please don’t send your kids with cell phones that could be damaged while inner tubing.
~ There will be several leaders overseeing this trip. Each teen will be expected to respect and obey each adult leader at all times on the trip. Please communicate this expectation with your kids beforehand.
~ Please let Pastor Luke know as soon as you are able if your teens will be coming, and if they are bringing any guests. Remember, everyone will need to fill out the 2 waivers by Sunday August 23.